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Competition rules

Competition rules
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Stažení: Competition rules.pdf

Datum uložení souboru:
20. 05. 2018

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Přepis textového obsahu PDF dokumentu Competition rules.pdf:

ActInSpace competition rules

Article 1: Organisation

This competition is organised in France by the CNES, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, a public
industrial or commercial institution, Paris B 775 665 912, having its registered office at 2 place Maurice Quentin 75039 PARIS CEDEX 01 France. The CNES is also the design authority of ActInSpace, which
mainly includes a decision-making role for the overall communication plan, planning of the event,
competition rules and coordination for the drafting of topics.

Its extension to Europe and internationally is carried out under the aegis of the ESA by the ESA BIC
Sud France which is in charge of the operational aspects in cooperation with the CNES. A national
organiser will be in charge of the organisation in each country, and a regional organiser will be in charge of the organisation in each city.

This competition is called ActInSpace®.

Article 2: Objectives

The aim of the competition is to promote the use of space technologies for the benefit of people and our
planet by organising a public event around space issues.

The CNES, ESA and their partners have several objectives in proposing this grassroots project:

- To develop the spirit of enterprise among young people
- To demonstrate that space is a vector of innovation for employment and economic development

in a sphere beyond its usual ecosystem
- To participate in the adoption and reuse of space technologies and data
- To find future candidates, in the short or medium term, for the ESA BICs and partner incubators.

This competition is organised in the first half of 2018 on several sites at the same time, all over the

Article 3: Challenges

The organisers will present challenges in the form of fact sheets presenting:

The technical, scientific and applicative context

 The objective of the challenge
 Where applicable, the resources made available to candidates, and the intellectual property
rights held by the organiser or its partners.

The challenges must be validated by the CNES.

Article 4: Schedule

The national organiser of each partner country will organise the competition in accordance with the
following schedule:

- T1: Kick off and constitution of teams: Registrations will be carried out from the first quarter of
2018. Deadlines for registration will be indicated on the website.

- T2: Friday, May 25, 2018 1 pm - 3 pm
 Meet-up - Meeting with the experts and presentation of challenges. Final constitution of
groups and choice of subjects before the start of the competition. Official launch and
live or recorded speech in all countries.
 Then at 3 pm: official start of the competition
- T3: Friday, May 25, 2018 3 pm to Saturday, May 26, 3 pm: Group Work - group work for each
team with the help of the teams of expert mentors. Duration: 24 hours
- T4: Saturday, May 26, 4 pm: Presentation of projects before the regional jury
- T5: Saturday, May 26, 2018 between 5 pm and 8 pm, depending on the number of candidates:
Award of regional prizes (announcement of results, comments on each group).
- These hours may be adjusted after discussions between the regional organisers and the CNES
in particular to take account of time differences or regional particularities.
- T6 between Saturday, May 26 and the international final: The national final, if there are several
organising cities in a country, will be organised between Saturday, May 26 and the international
- T7: Wednesday, June 27, 2018: international final and announcement of results (national
winners, European winner, special prize) and gala evening at the Toulouse Space Show.

The CNES does not guarantee that registrations will be carried out in each country, and a possible
cancellation shall only engage the responsibility of the national organiser, to the exclusion of the

Article 5: Participants

Participation in the competition is open to business creators, students, researchers, entrepreneurs,
associations, companies, developers, users, job seekers, designers and space experts. Together they
will form teams to take up, in 24 hours, one of the challenges to be proposed by the organisers.

The competition is open to teams of two to five people including:

- individuals (business creators, students, researchers, entrepreneurs, developers, users,
creators and space experts, job seekers, etc.).

- and/or private law legal entities (associations, companies), represented by an individual
delegated to participate in this competition, with no limitation as to nationality.

The regional or national organiser reserves the right to refuse the participation of any person if the
maximum number of places has been reached or for any other reason resulting from non-compliance
with the provisions of these rules or a legal or regulatory provision.

Article 6: Terms of participation

All participants must first register on the official website at the following address: (ESA BIC Sud France
websitewww.actinspace.org or the CNES website https://entreprises.cnes.fr/fr/actinspace or the website
of the national organiser, after approval by the CNES and the ESA BIC Sud France).

The regional organiser for the competition events of May 25 and 26, 2018 and the CNES, for the
international final, reserve the right to refuse access to the buildings of the competition sites to persons
who are not registered on the abovementioned official website. Registration implies irrevocable
acceptance of the following:

- these rules
- receipt of emails from the competition organiser
- optionally, receipt of offers and emails from the organiser's partners
- ratification of authorisations relating to image rights which, where applicable, will be requested
by the organisers, to enable them, and their partners, to use and disseminate, free of charge
and on a non-exclusive basis, photographs of the participants and use these photographs, in
whole or in part, for teaching, research, cultural or scientific or commercial exploitation

Registration and participation in the contest is free in France, but each national organiser is free to plan
for its country, with the written agreement of the CNES, access fees for which it will be the sole
beneficiary and exclusively responsible for managing.

Article 7: Constitution of teams and allocation of topics

The constitution of teams is carried out freely and will not be imposed by the organisers. The rules for
forming teams are as follows:

- a maximum of 2-5 people per team
- the organisers encourage the formation of teams with different profiles and specialities: 1st,
2nd, 3rd year, master's, other schools and universities, etc.

Single candidates will be helped by the regional organiser to form a team before or just at the beginning
of the regional competition events. Regional organisers may arrange a meeting between the candidates
before the weekend. The teams will choose freely their topic from among the challenges proposed. A
presentation of the topics will be posted online at least one month before the date of the event. When
registering, candidates will be asked to indicate the topics they are interested in to anticipate the number
of experts needed per area. The presentation of topics will be supplemented until the official opening of
the competition and the teams may change their choice of topic until the start of regional events. Several
competing teams can develop the same topic.

Article 8: Confidentiality and intellectual property of developments

Participants are duly informed - and acknowledge - that the organiser does not guarantee the
confidentiality of the information contained in the project files submitted.

The organiser advises participants to take all measures they deem appropriate to protect the information
or technical elements they hold likely to be the subject of intellectual property rights, prior to participating
in the event.

Participants undertake to inform the organisers of any intellectual property rights they hold, and which
are enforceable against the exploitation of work done within the framework of this competition to meet
one of the challenges.

Participants are reminded that all information or technical elements they hold and which are not covered
by intellectual property rights are part of the public domain.

Regarding software developments, candidates retain full ownership of the intellectual property rights on
software developed within the framework of the competition, and exclusivity of commercial exploitation.

However, they authorise the organisers to use, for the sole purpose of promoting the competition and
candidates, excerpts from these developments, in a form to be decided between the candidate and the
organisers, for example in the form of a screen shot, limited access to the development for non-
commercial purposes or any other form defined by mutual agreement to allow good communication on
results of developments made during ActInSpace, without affecting the ownership and exclusivity of the
commercial exploitation retained by the candidates.

Article 9: Assistance in preparing project files

Several teams of mentors who are experts in different areas (project management, business creation,
design practices, etc.) will be made available by the organiser to assist candidate teams who wish, on
the competition sites.

Article 10: Designation of regional winners

Each team will present its project to a jury during an 8-minute presentation which will take place at the
end of the competition. The duration of the presentation may be modified on the proposal of the regional
organiser with the agreement of the CNES. The assessment criteria for each project focus on the
following points:

- use of space data or technologies. Non-compliance with this criterion is eliminatory.
- the innovative and original nature of the project (product, service, incremental, radical and
architectural, technological and organisational, business model, social innovation)
- the expected benefits of the project (relevance of the project to major social issues, etc.) in
particular in terms of creation of services and employment.
- the validity of the economic model to generate income (maturity of supply and demand, reliability

analysis, etc.)

- the jury's special prize

The CNES determines the relative weight of the criteria and will give this information to the organisers
and the candidates. At the end of this presentation, the jury will meet and designate the three winners
of the regional competition including the regional winner. A higher or lower number of winners may be
decided by the jury depending on the special prizes each region will be entitled to propose.

These criteria will be assessed confidentially and on a discretionary basis by a jury of qualified persons
appointed by the regional organiser.

The participants irrevocably acknowledge:

- that they have been informed that the rules do not provide for any recourse regarding the

constitution or decision of the jury

- that jury deliberations are confidential and will not be disclosed to participants.

Article 11: Designation of national winners

If several cities participate in the same country, the national organiser will appoint a jury to select the
regional winners and this jury will deliberate to select the ActInSpace 2018 national prize and any special
prizes in the country. Presentations will be made in the language chosen by the national organiser.

One or more teams from each country will represent this country at the international final according to
the quotas below:

From 1 to 7 participating cities in a country -> 1 national representative
From 8 to 14 participating cities in a country -> 2 national representatives
Above 14 cities, 3 national representatives.

The CNES in consultation with the ESA may propose adjustments to these quotas according to the
quality of the proposed answers.

Only challenges open to all countries allow access to the international final.

Article 12: Designation of international winners

The CNES, the ESA and ESA BIC Sud France will appoint a jury to select the national winners and this
jury will deliberate to select the ActInSpace 2018 international prize and any special prizes.

Presentations will be made in English at the international final.

Article 13: The prizes

The projects of the regional, national and international winners will be promoted through:

- institutional communication (via the websites and newsletters of the organiser and, where

applicable, its partners)

- presses relations
- networking with the organiser and its partners.
- Winners will also be given privileged access to the ESA BIC incubators for those who qualify
and so wish.

Article 14: Award of prizes

The official award of the "ActInSpace" 2018 prizes will take place during an awards ceremony at the
Toulouse Space Show, on Wednesday, June 27, 2018.

Article 15: Change of competition dates

The organiser cannot be held liable if, in case of force majeure or events beyond its control, it is required
to cancel, reduce, extend or postpone this competition or change the conditions.

Article 16: Interpretation of the rules

Participation in the "ActInSpace" competition implies full acceptance of the terms set out in these rules.
The organiser of the competition event in which the candidate participates (regional, national or
international) will be sovereign for all matters relating to the application of these rules or any issue that
may arise which is not covered by them. Its decisions are final.

Article 17: Legal filing

Participants in this competition fully accept these rules, which are filed with Maître Didier AVALLE, bailiff,
10 Rue du Chevalier de Saint-Georges, 75001 Paris

The rules can be consulted by simple request sent by mail to:


2, rue de Clichy 75009 PARIS

To the attention of Mr. Pierre Breesé

The rules may be changed at any time in the form of an amendment by the organiser, in accordance
with the conditions laid down and posted online on the website https://entreprises.cnes.fr/fr/actinspace.
They will take effect from the date they are published and all participants will be deemed to have
accepted them by the mere fact of their participation in the competition, from the effective date of the
change. Any participant who refuses the changes made will not be able to present his/her project.

Article 18: Candidates' commitments

Participants undertake to respond to any request for information from the organiser of the competition
event in which they participate (regional, national or international) or of the selection committee and jury.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel the application and participation of any person who fails to
respect these rules, the equipment and premises of the competition venues, of third parties, etc.
The candidate undertakes not to exercise any recourse concerning the organisation of the competition,
the results and jury's decisions.

Article 19: claims, jurisdiction and applicable law

In the event of a dispute arising from these rules or relating thereto, the aggrieved party undertakes to
endeavour, before any referral to a judicial court or arbitral tribunal, to find an amicable solution to the
If the dispute is not settled within 45 days of the sending, by either Party, of a conciliation request, the
parties agree to submit the dispute (at the choice of the parties or otherwise of the aggrieved party):
 To the competent French court in view of the subject matter of the claim
 If a public order provision so provides,
o to the jurisdiction of the country in which the event raised by the aggrieved party

o to the jurisdiction of the country in which the aggrieved party filed its registration
o or otherwise to the jurisdiction designated by a mandatory jurisdiction provision.
The applicable law is French law, and the language of proceedings is French, unless otherwise provided
by a mandatory provision justified by the aggrieved party.

Competition rules

PDF file: Competition rules.pdf


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