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International Referees Code of Conduct 1

International Referees Code of Conduct 1
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Datum uložení souboru:
13. 10. 2017

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Přepis textového obsahu PDF dokumentu International-Referees-Code-of-Conduct-1.pdf:

nternational Referee’s Code of Conduct __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 60 Charlotte Street, London, W1 T2NU, United Kingdom Accepting a position as an international Boccia Referee is an important responsibility. As a referee you should strive to conduct yourself according to the following Code of Conduct: • Always remember the game is for the players. Fair play always comes first. Always be fair and impartial. • To ensure that you are mentally and physically ready for the game, limit your consumption of alcohol and get a good nights sleep. • Arrive at the competition on time and well prepared, with a clear head. • Study and learn the rules of the game and help your fellow colleagues do the same. • Respect other referees and their decisions and do not publically criticise another official. • Stay calm when confronted with emotional reactions from players, coaches, parents and spectators. • Always speak to the athlete in an appropriate manner and ensure the athlete understands the request. • Make your decisions with confidence. • Control the game in a manner that will provide a positive experience for all players. • Wear the proper referee’s uniform, or the uniform provided by the Host Organising Committee (HOC). • Always check the game schedule and be ready for your next game. • Don’t use foul language or rude gestures • While on the Boccia court always pick up the balls to move them. Do not roll, kick or throw them. • Respect the rules and regulations set by the HOC. • Referees are privileged to have regular contact with players and team members from all countries, but are encouraged to remain impartial. • When attending competitions outside of your own country, ensure that you are aware of the laws, differences in culture and habits of the country you are visiting. Be aware of cultural differences and behaviours, including use of appropriate language and gesture.
nternational Referee’s Code of Conduct __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Boccia International Sports Federation Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 8199521 Registered address: 60 Charlotte Street, London, W1 T2NU, United Kingdom eclaration agree to abide by the International Referee’s Code of Conduct. I understand that if I do not abide by this Code of Conduct I may be sent home at my own expense, and that I may not be selected to participate in the future at other BISFed sanctioned events. I also understand that I may lose my status as an International Referee. I also agree to abide by the laws of the country I am visiting. Name Event/ Competition Signed ate

International Referees Code of Conduct 1

PDF file: International-Referees-Code-of-Conduct-1.pdf


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