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Invitation UNIGOU Gathering 23rd February 1

Invitation UNIGOU Gathering 23rd February  1
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Stažení: Invitation UNIG…ry - 1.pdf

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19. 02. 2018

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ČVUT CIIRC Respirium Room

Jugoslávských partyzánů 3
Friday 23rd February, from 14:00 to 17:00

The Institute of Czech-Brazilian Academic Cooperation has the pleasure to invite you to the UNIGOU Academic Internship
Gathering 2018 that is taking place on 23rd February at the Respirium room of the CIIRC Building, Czech Technical University.
The event will count with the presence of 111 Brazilian students currently taking part in the UNIGOU Program, the Czech
academic community, representatives of Brazilian diplomacy and other honoured guests.

R.S.V.P. incbac@incbac.org

Invitation UNIGOU Gathering 23rd February 1

PDF file: Invitation UNIGOU Gathering 23rd February - 1.pdf


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